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Mišaš viš leišara Fin. Times sem Mbl flutti okkur fréttir af viršist višhorf manna eitthvaš vera aš breytast. Allavega er ljóst um mjög virt blaš er aš ręša sem stj.m.menn lesa og taka mark į. Ég tel sjįlfsagt aš reyna aš taka upp nżjar višręšur um Icesave, žvķ nś er mesti vķgamóšurinn, sem į stj.m.menn rann fyrst eftir bankahruniš, afrunnin aš mestu. Lķklega er hęgt aš tala viš Brezka og hollenska rįšamenn af skynsemi ķ dag, og fį žį til aš skilja okkar stöšu og takmörkušu greišslugetu, og semja ķ samręmi viš okkar raunverulegu getu. Leiš Buchheits ekki fęr
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1 identicon

Too True.....BUT.....My aquantances in the UK say that the British are getting a bit "Pissed off"

I might be wrong, but it seems all the Icelandic Depositors did not lose anything..........My account was closed in the old Landsbanki and opened in the new Landsbanki because my account was in Iceland. I did not lose a Kronur....All the accounts in the UK were closed........(Think.......If you were in were safe....If you were in an śtibu(Kopavogar) you didn“t get a penny from the old Landsbanki...........The British Government paid the Icesave investors...........The Red Cross, Oxfam, West Yorkshire council and hundreds of charities and councils will  to sue Iceland individually if the Icelandic Government does not agree to pay back what was stolen. The stolen money was used to buy Yachts, private jets and other expensive items such as penthouses in London and New York. Some of it was use to buy Range rovers, luxus Jeeps, big american 3.5 ton ranch waggons, quad bikes, mobile homes, trailer tents, new homes, new summer houses, and lots of other items that the Icelandic Nation could not really afford. Some members of your Government are trying to blame the Dutch and the British for not stopping IceSave.........Can you imagine what would have happened if the UK Government had stopped Icesave....Your entire Nation would have been "Screaming ".......How dare the UK Government stop IceSave...........!!!! Your Government was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing......NOTHING !!! Your Central Bank was warned but sat picking their noses and did nothing.......Your newspapers said, the British and the rest of the world are Jealous because of our succes.....Your President said "You ain“t seen nothing yet !!!" Well...we have seen it all now.........

The British and Dutch citizens could not care less who stole the money !!! all they want is that their money is paid back.......You really need to stop blaming everyone else for what happened in Iceland....Your Government....Your Gangsters......THEY ARE TO BLAME !!!!!..Not the British....Not the Dutch !!!!You really need to get the people whole stole all this money, and freeze their assets, and put them behind bars....Good Luck !!!

Fair Play (IP-tala skrįš) 13.8.2009 kl. 00:07

2 Smįmynd: Siguršur Gunnarsson

Žaš er žessi vķgamóšur sem ég er aš tala um. Icesave var rekiš ķ Bretlandi og Hollandi meš fullu samžykki stj.valda žar, og stendur hnķfurinn ķ kśnni. Ķslendingar hafa fullan skilning į aš reikn.eigendur žar vilji sitt, žeir vilja hinsvegar ekki bera įbyrgšina einir į tapi einkaašila, heldur taki žarlend stjvöld į sig sķna įbyrgš, enda falli tapiš aš einhverju leiti undir žarlenda įbyrgšarsjóši. Ekki er hęgt aš bera saman gamalgróna venjulega Ķsl. reikn., sem féllu ótvķrętt undir Ķsl. įb.sjóši og Icesave. Žį verš ég loks aš jįta aš žó ég sé įgętur enskumašur, įtti ég erfitt meš aš skilja žennan sundurlausa texta hér aš ofan.

Siguršur Gunnarsson, 13.8.2009 kl. 09:23

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.

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Sigurður Gunnarsson


Sigurður Gunnarsson
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